Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rape is child friendly

A sex scene in the film Suckerpunch has been edited to the point it looks like rape so the film's rating would go down from R to PG-13.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Former KKK Grand Dragon ready to lead town

Former KKK Grand Dragon John Paul Rogers is campaigning to be the mayor of Lake Wales, Florida and is angered that his opponent had the audacity to bring up his past.

My favourite quote: "I don't know of any act of any violence that was sanctioned by our organization, either national or in Florida."

He added, "I work good with people and no one can point to me ever disrespecting anyone."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food for thought

McCain's Libya Amnesia

According to McCain, Moammar Gadhafi has "American blood on his hands" and this is reason enough to take out the dictator.

Strangely enough, McCain led a delgation to Libya 18 months ago to organise the transfer of American military equipment to Gadhafi (back when he was a friend).

American theocracy

Republicans have decided to have the phrase "In God We Trust" put on 9,000 federal buildings.

I wonder how much the unification of church and state will cost.

I guess theocracy is okay, provided it's not Islam.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The SAT expects all students watch trashy reality TV

Students taking a recent SAT examination were faced with an essay questions about reality television.

This kinda explains it all:
Another student told the New York Daily News that she had been preparing for questions of a higher caliber. "A lot of what we did in SAT prep classes was to use historical events or literature in our essays," she said. "I guess the kids who watch crap T.V. did well."

Apparently only a third of test takers were able to answer.

Snooki wept.

Pregnant Iowa woman jailed for having once considered an abortion.

A pregnant woman in Iowa fell down the stairs and went to the ER to make sure her child was alright.

At some point in chatting with the nurse she mentioned that when she first found out she was pregnant she considered adoption and even abortion before deciding to keep the baby.

She was soon handcuffed, charged with feticide, and was kept in jail for two days because the hospital assumed she purposely threw herself down the stairs to kill the fetus.

Overseas Edition - Israel fears sushi shortage after Japanese earthquake

After the devastating earthquake in Japan, Israel has admitted to fears that they may run out of sushi.

"There may be a shortage of sushi components, but we are still studying the situation," says Dudi Afriat of the Rakuto Kasei company, which imports the Kikkoman soy sauce, as well as seaweeds, wasabi, rice and other necessary ingredients for sushi rolls.

"My only fear is that they'll have to import Kikkoman from the US, and that will affect the imports to Israel... After the tsunami I received phone calls from hysterical people fearing a shortage of Kikkoman."

Glad you guys have your priorities straight.,7340,L-4042347,00.html

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fox's Megyn Kelly

Exposing a war crime is worse than committing one

Intersting article at

Bradley Manning is accused of humiliating the political establishment by revealing the complicity of top U.S. officials in carrying out and covering up war crimes. In return for his act of conscience, the U.S. government is holding him in abusive solitary confinement, humiliating him and trying to keep him behind bars for life.

The lesson is clear, and soldiers take note: You're better off committing a war crime than exposing one.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Republican-led New Hampshire doesn't want college students to vote

"Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do." These are the words of New Hampshire's new Republican state House speaker William O'Brien.

New Hampsire is pushing for a law that would keep college students in the state from voting.

Democrats are arguing that the real goal is to remove the power of core Democratic voting blocs (young people and minorities).

"There's no doubt that this bill would help Republican causes," said Richard Sunderland III, head of the College Republicans at Dartmouth College. But, he added, "this doesn't help if the Republican Party wants to try to win over people in the 18-to-24 age range."

Students falsely accuse teacher of pedophilia, parents angry kids were punished

Two students in Georgia were suspended and another expelled for accusing a teacher of pedophilia and rape on facebook.

Twelve year old Alejandra Sosa remarked, ""I was just expressing myself on Facebook, because like I said I was mad that day because of what he [did]."

The other suspended student's father said, "the school should write the rules of Facebook into their policy before they try to take rules out of context." Because accusing someone of rape and pediphilia in the privacy of your home is no big thing.

Douglas County School officials said the three students violated the disciplinary code and they could not comment on the case due to an impending tribunal.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Texas immigration law will exclude rich people's servants

Worried about Texas' immigration laws? You'll be safe as long as a rich white person wants you to mop their floor or mow their lawn.

The proposed House Bill 1202 will harshly punish anyone who hires an illegal immigrant, with one exception: hiring a Mexican to be a maid or landscaper.

Texas state Representative Aaron Pena, a Republican, said the exception is a wise one because, "When it comes to household employees or yard workers it is extremely common for Texans to hire people who are likely undocumented workers."

Other bills Texass is proposing:
1. Making English the official language of Texas.
2. Placing an 8% surcharge on all money wired from Texas to Latin America. About $480 million could be collected from money sent to Mexico alone.
3. Requiring police officers to ask every person they stop what their citizenship status is.

Harding University hates its gay students

Harding University threatens its queer students with a choice: expulsion or "re-orientation therapy."

Students have protested and published an online zine, which the University has banned access to.

Download the zine here: (.pdf, 7.8MB)

Anti-Muslim rally supported by local politicians

Muslims hold a charity fundraiser for homeless and women's shelters, people protest it and shout "Go home and beat your wife!"

And local politicians supported the protest.

Fetus testifies in a court of law in Ohio. Seriously.

A fetus "testified" before an Ohio legislative committee to support an anti-abortion bill.

The bill would outlaw abortion if a heartbeat could be detected. The problem? The heartbeat couldn't be detected. Whoops.