Monday, April 11, 2011

Who knew a government could "shut down" because they can't agree on anything?

Idaho rejects rape exception in abortion bill because getting raped is part of God's plan

States all over the US are strengthening their abortion legislation to reduce acess to abortion.

In line with the Republican war on women's autonomy, the new law does not include exceptions for rape, incest, severe fetal abnormality or the psychological health of the mother. Even worse, if a woman becomes pregnant after being raped, it's part of God's plan for them and they should accept it.

State Rep. Shannon McMillan (R) argued that women who were impregnated under “violent circumstances” should have no choice because it’s not the fetus’s fault. State Rep. Brent Crane, the bill’s sponsor, took it a step further. Believing that “tragic, horrific” acts of rape or incest are the “hand of the Almighty,” Crane said women should trust God to turn the consequences of their sexual assault into “wonderful examples."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

46 percent of Mississippi Republicans want interracial marriage ban

Public Policy Polling has released a survey that shows a whopping 46% of Republicans in Mississippi support a ban on interracial marriage, with 14% "unsure."

The firm also asked non-Republican voters in the state and those results will be released sometime in the future.