Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GOP presidential candidates to secular progressives: Do not vote for us.

The Republican presidential candidates held a public debate and the official transcript of it is frightening:

PAWLENTY: Well, the protections between the separation of church and state were designed to protect people of faith from government, not government from people of faith.

SANTORUM: I’m some who believes that you approach issues using faith and reason. And if your faith is pure and your reason is right, they’ll end up in the same place.

PAUL: I think faith has something to do with the character of the people that represent us, and law should have a moral fiber to it... But the Constitution addresses this by saying — literally, it says no theocracy. But it doesn’t talk about church and state. The most important thing is the First Amendment. Congress shall write no laws — which means Congress should never prohibit the expression of your Christian faith in a public place. (Italics added for what-the-fuckery.)

BACHMANN: I also believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I carried that legislation when I was a senator in Minnesota, and I believe that for children, the best possible way to raise children is to have a mother and father in their life... And I think the most eloquent words ever written were those in our Declaration of Independence that said it’s a creator who endowed us with inalienable rights given to us from God, not from government.

There you have it: anti-abortion, anti-first amendment, anti-gay rights. Vote Republican!


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